Ally Loprete guarantees a fun, inspirational and exciting message for your next event! Ally has extensive experience in home business coaching, executive management, parenting, work / family balance, entrepreneurship, and team building. She combines that knowledge with over 20 years of live performance experience in radio, TV and stage events to bring you an unforgettable presentation. The result is a custom-tailored presentation, rich in creativity and depth, that is delivered with Ally’s dynamic personality, razor sharp wit, and unique style!
Ally has several segment topics to contribute such as:
- How to come together as a family unit to make the transition into at least one parent home.
- How to keep the current job you are in and propose a telecommute offer to your current boss that will save the company money.
- How to use the skills you already have to work for yourself rather than for someone else.
- Ideas for services that can be offered to your community right out of your home. For example, dog-grooming in the backyard, Washing cars in your front yard, offering beauty salon services in the kitchen during playdates.
- How to discover untapped resources in your community to find the support you need, such as babysitting co-ops and bartering with other self-employed parents in your area.
- How to manage your time between working at home, running a household and raising the kids.
- Learning the new work-at-home parent business etiquette and how it differs from corporate America etiquette, for example, adjusting to a slower pace of expedition or doing a conference call at 10:00pm.
Inventor of gLovies
I LOVE this show!
Sharon Davis
Debbie G
Don’t miss this show!
Wendy Young
Phyllis Martin
Passionate. Energetic. Empowered
As our conversation grew, it became ultra clear as to why - and how - Ally has grown such a massive following. She truly cares about success and the lives of people around her and she does everything she can to influence them to play bigger, understand their personal value and seek and own the life they dream about living.
I can tell you that personally, I left my conversation with Ally feeling as if I owned the world and that I could do everything I ever dreamed. That is the effect she has on people.
- Christopher Hussey, Editor-in-Chief of Ntwrkr Magazine
- Christopher Hussey, Editor-in-Chief of Ntwrkr Magazine
Ally thinks outside of the box!
There is Proof in this Pudding
Trish Dennison
Inspiring and Entertaining
Ur #1 fan!!!!!!!!
5 stars! *****
Pure Genius - Funny, Informative and Timely!
Love it! Love it! Love it!
Lisa Steadman
Rosemarie Kahn
There’s encouragement out there- it’s on this show!
Christina Dunbar
Delighted to find this show on iTunes
“This woman is the real deal.”
Jessica Martel, CEO/Founder of The Positive Core Coaching Co.
Author and Spiritual Success Transformational Coach
Jessica Martel, CEO/Founder of The Positive Core Coaching Co.
Author and Spiritual Success Transformational Coach
William Isaiah
Great Show!
I love this show!
Fabulous New Mom
Wonderful Show!
Beth E
Love it!