Moms Rule!!
DID YOU KNOW → The mommy demographic completely dominates social media with more than 26 million tech-savvy moms?
And why not? Our portal to the cyber world gives us an unlimited platform for SAVVYNESS.
We use Facebook and Instagram to share family pics and adorable kid videos, we share recipes, craft projects, and household organization ideas via Pinterest, and we stay current (and hip!) in pop culture with Twitter and YouTube.
Don’t underestimate the power of MOM
Social media gives us an endless space to effect CHANGE —and our domination of these platforms has caused bigger businesses to embrace our social clout. Trust and reputation are all-important in today’s connected world of moms and current research suggests that we are still the leaders in consumer impact. DON’T MESS with THE MOM MAFIA!!
Social Media Empowers Moms
By nature, Moms are problem solvers. Not only are we poised and ready for the slightest challenge to come our way, we THRIVE on finding solutions. Despite having multiple children, managing a home, and running a business, moms are moving at warp speed.
Today’s tech savvy moms never fail to find innovative ways to solve everyday problems. We source and create our own applications, write blogs that allow us to have virtual discussions with one another, and recommend the latest and greatest marketplace products. In addition, we crowd-source issues, vow to use our consumer power to purchase from each other, and even join forces by teaching one another business relationship-building skills.
The Rise of Momprenuer
It’s no wonder moms are taking the small business world by storm! MOMS ARE MORE CONFIDENT THAN EVER. Even in the midst of a roaring recession, moms became the fiscal heroes of the economy. Our secret? We leveraged our social media influence and online engagement to build businesses relationships with ONE ANOTHER.
The Trends are in your Favor, Mom.
Uncertainty is so very UN-MOM. Fear of the unknown is no longer a valid excuse. Pathways have been paved by those who dared to leap before you. There is no better time to leverage your online influence, build your mommy brand, and cash in on your cyber social life. Take those excellent networking skills and the virtual relationships you’ve already built to construct a system that ultimately produces more cash for your family.
On This show…
Wow, are you in for a treat! Come ready with a pen in hand because this is gonna be note-taking-worthy! We are bringing on the leading expert in how women entrepreneurs can monetize social media, Lena West. She’ll be sharing with us how social media can be molded and leveraged for exponential business growth. With her straight-forward speaking style, Lena is an award-winning social media consultant, blogger, speaker, journalist, technologist and the founder of Influence Expansion.
About Our Guest
Meet Lena West!
As the CEO & Chief Social Media Strategist of Influence Expansion, Lena L. West has helped thousands of entrepreneurs profit from the power of Social Media and the Internet.
A certified technical expert Lena learned about the intricate aspects of computers and networking while consulting with Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, Pitney Bowes, Philips Magnavox, Hyperion Software and MasterCard International. After cutting her ‘technical teeth’, she founded xynoMedia (now Influence Expansion) in 1997.
Lena is the winner of several business awards, among them: The Network Journal’s “40 Under Forty”, AlleyCat News’ “25 Women of Silicon Alley”, The Women’s Congress’ Entrepreneurial Champion for Women in Business and was dubbed an “Entrepreneurial Hero” by NCWIT. She has also been featured on CNN, with Gayle King on CBS This Morning.
She writes and speaks regularly about the merits and potential pitfalls of social media by sharing her expertise in business growth via her regular column for the Huffington Post and Lena is also a former columnist for and Entrepreneur Magazine. She has spoken on Capitol Hill, American Express, Wharton School of Business, SCORE, National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI), Syracuse University and The Learning Annex.
Lena strongly believes that social media is a catalyst to uniting the world’s people and will continue to lead businesses and individuals toward greater levels of environmental accountability, social responsibility and corporate transparency – hence her passion for the medium. Influence Expansion’s goal is to make social media efficient, profitable and worthwhile for all business leaders.