We are all capable of changing our mindset.
Is playing the blame game REALLY productive?
It may make you feel better at first, but I promise you there is a better way to overcome obstacles and take charge of your own fate….fast. This week I am going to share with you one of my little secrets for staying on top of my game and pushing through the rejections and the setbacks. All it takes is a little imagination. The truth is, things are never really what they seem. It’s far too easy to blame all of our challenges on someone else’s stupidity and bad decision making skills. It’s nothing more than an excuse for us to get out of doing the dirty work and discovering the solution for ourselves. How far does blaming others ever get us… really?
This week, I am opening up the phone lines for you to get your personal challenges addressed. If you would like to be featured live on the air with a question or a comment, our phone lines will be open: 877-864-4869 or if you are unable to listen live, but would like to have a question or comment read on the air please fill out this form.
The overall theme is this… HOW TO SEE THE BIG PICTURE. You’ll discover how increasing your insight can be truly magical – in just about any situation.
I’ll be providing you with tools so powerful that every solution from now on will seem almost as if they are being personally handed to you on a platter. You’ll understand when you listen in. (You’re welcome.)
Returning to the show is our favorite astrologer, Heidi Rose Robbins with a quick update on what we can expect from the changes in the atmosphere and how we can thrive no matter what the stars tell us!
Our Guest
Heidi Rose Robbins
Heidi Rose Robbins has been an astrologer for over 15 years. In fact, she grew up learning the zodiac with her alphabet. She has a practical, sensitive (and inspiring) approach to astrology and has a thriving world-wide practice.
She also offers powerful, transformative retreats for women twice a year in Ojai, California. It is her passion and commitment to speak of the depth of who we are and to grow into the next outrageous blossoming of our true selves.