We've been on hiatus for 2 whole weeks!
As much as I love spending spring break with my kids, I have been going a bit stir crazy. Work for me is not "WORK" in the sense that it feels like a chore, or something I just need to suck up and DO. I love my work. It fills me up and gives me intense creative satisfaction.
...if you are a member of our VIP CLUB you are getting an extra dose of materials than usual! (I can't help myself!)
What's waiting for you inside?
Personal Empowerment Boost!
Learn why others admire you and capitalize on the positive qualities that you didn't know you had! Follow the instructions on this video and within seven days, your power … [Read more...]
Keeping the joy in a competitive industry
Becoming self-employed is like having a second chance at LIFE. It is not uncommon for the birth of a child to bring about a sense of creativity in a new parent. After all, we have just revealed our greatest capacity for CREATING. It makes a lot of sense that this life transition may unleash more than just your maternal instincts. Now that you are viewing the world through a parent's eyes, it makes sense that you would want to contribute more to the environment in which your child is being raised. Along with a desire to trade a corporate career for self-employment, it's natural to develop a deep love for works of art that inspire beauty, deeper meaning, and inner peace. Bathe yourself in … [Read more...]
Purposeful Engagement in Business and in Life
Disengagement has become a global epidemic. It's easy to get comfortable connecting at a digital level. We might look at our social media lists and tell ourselves that we are well connected... but are we really? In many ways, we may be in complete denial about how much we are isolating ourselves. Lack of engagement could really be costing us. Engagement in Life and Work is CRITICAL Business is changing rapidly. The market is demanding purpose and values to be at the forefront. Future trends are affecting every business across the board and understanding these cultural elements are essential for your success. By simply boosting your engagement with others, you'll begin to see an … [Read more...]
WANT the Fairytale… GET the Fairytale!
You've been told that you CAN'T HAVE the fairytale. And you believed it. Heck. You may have even heard yourself telling your KIDS the same thing. Happily ever after doesn't exist. Get REAL. Or does it? If we truly can create our own reality--- and new research in quantum physics tells us that WE CAN--- why NOT go for the fairy tale? You see others achieve their happy endings... IF YOU BELIEVE IT EXISTS FOR EVERYONE ELSE... then why not YOU? Real Fantasy That may sound like an oxymoron, but not if you change your perception of what the fairy tale ending looks like for you. For example, getting rescued by Prince Charming may not sound as appealing as it once did and that is because … [Read more...]
Need a Digital DETOX??
Technology Wonders... or Woes? What was once intended to improve and streamline our processes might now be bogging us down. If you have found yourself challenged by the ever-changing rules of social media and trends that disrupt your once streamlined business-- leaving gaps in your long term performance and endurance.... it might be time for a DIGITAL DETOX. Upgrade Your Relationship with Technology Now that EVERYONE has access to social media apps, websites and gadgets... it's time to talk about better living THROUGH technology, and overcome our addictions. Is your digital activity serving you in a healthy and productive way? Realign your Business Goals & Innovation Past … [Read more...]
Sleep Synchronicity for Babies (and Parents!)
Our Children are Intricate Reflections of Ourselves Without EVEN TRYING, a mother's womb is a naturally PERFECT environment for the maturation of a brand new physical being--- and there is nothing yummier than a baby falling effortlessly into dreamland in its mommy's warm embrace. Babies come in perfect readiness! Babies come into the world completely prepared to ignore us and the conditions that we place on them. Why do we --- as adults--- feel the need to rush the manifestation and alignment process? After all, isn't SLEEP the most natural thing that we as humans already know HOW to do? Do we really need to be TAUGHT how to sleep? The Gift of Happy Sleep The greatest benefit of … [Read more...]
How to find the hidden $4,000 that you didn’t know you had.
From Woes to Wealth Money is... such an odd thing... isn't it? It's become an even more avoided topic than religion, sex or politics. Why is it so taboo? An Emotionally Charged Topic of Avoidance Money, according to researchers, is top of mind for most individuals over the age of 25, the #1 reason couples fight, the leading cause of divorce and the biggest stress contributor in health issues, including heart failure and cancer. YET--- when asked what ONE THING a person would wish for that would make EVERYTHING better, most people say "money". Quit working hard for your money... and learn how to let money work for you. Money is the life force of your business AND your beloved … [Read more...]
Goodbye, Competition. Hello, Collaboration!
There is power in numbers. When I first created OurMilkMoney.com, it was because I had a dream to be able to stay home and take care of my family. I knew that I couldn't do it alone, and that there had to be others who had the same dream. My vision for OurMilkMoney.com was that it would be a collaborative organization - one that would serve a purpose for many others like me. The more parents I could get involved- the more we would accomplish for ourselves and our children. I had dreams of validation, purpose and impact. Nearly 4 years later, I still feel the energy from all of you. It’s feeding itself. We can see very clearly what we have already accomplished and how much more we will grow … [Read more...]
When life throws a curveball…or several
Time. Remember when it was expendable? If there is one challenge that we all share as parents and entrepreneurs its in managing our schedules: Daily tasks, keeping our children alive and well, parenting to our best ability, attending to our home, our small business, our own sanity...how do others cope? One thing is certain, you don't need me to tell you that you need to have more control of the chaos... you already crave it with every fiber of your being. What you need is a solution. A step by step strategy that will allow you to stay present in your time with your children, keep confident and attentive when working with clients, retain confidence and conviction while growing your … [Read more...]
Teach Your Babies to be BANKABLE!!
Our little ones are BIG SPENDERS! Incredible as it seems, American children spend over 4 billion dollars of their own money each year. Yet how many of them know how to make a savings deposit, budget their money or plan for long-term goals? With so much cash to spend, kids aged 8-12 have grown into one of the most sought-after consumer markets in the country. Children are inundated with ads, pressured by over-indulged peers, and are even being wooed by credit card companies. Turn those headlines of WOE into headlines of WEALTH Economic downturns. Mortgage meltdowns. Plummeting stock markets. In every newspaper and TV sound bite, we are reminded of the dire financial challenges the world … [Read more...]
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