This generation of small business owners has a new selling style. Its called "recession selling" and it refers to the way consumers have responded to the unsteadiness in the economy. What kind of seller are you? Does it match the way you think as a consumer? Do you upsell yourself on a product or service with lots of options or do you pass on the extras simply because times appear to be tough, and instead purchase a new product only out of sheer need? Join me as I introduce you to our guest, Kelly McCormick, author of the new book, OutSell Yourself: Go from Hello to Sold with Ethical Business & Sales Techniques. READ MORE ABOUT KELLY McCORMICK HERE--> Also … [Read more...]
I am not a Bully, I am just a Mom
If you know a child bully, look closer at where they maybe learning their behavior. The apple never falls far from the tree, which is why moms and kids alike are tormented. It's bad enough that kids bully other kids. But look out for another rascal on the playground. Do you know her? THE BULLY MOM aka The Monster in The Minivan. Either you've seen her terrorize others, or she's come after you personally. She's always got a juicy rumor to share about another mom, or worse: a child. She's the one who made you feel bad because you couldn't breast-feed.... or labeled you the "boob Nazi" because you dared to nurse in public. You may have a regular group of moms in your play-date, … [Read more...]
Need a little Va Va Voom in Your Veins?
Wouldn't it be nice to wake up every day with boundless energy and vitality? Its a common problem among hard working moms. We give the best of ourselves to our children, our marriages, our homes, our businesses and maybe...just maybe... if there is time... we'll give something back to ourselves. We know its backwards. We know its not healthy. We know this behavior will eventually come back to haunt us, but its a trap we fall into time and time again. Stop the madness and recapture your magnificence! Its time to practice new habits and take preventative measures. Learn to put yourself first and as a result create optimum health and well-being for yourself as well as your … [Read more...]
The storm was treacherous, but the rainbow is worth it
The storm was treacherous, but the rainbow is worth it. Greetings from my new home! I am a bit late in getting this message out to you because I have been busy moving my family into my dream house. For years we have been busting at the seams of the little condo that my husband and I bought when we were first married. Since becoming a growing family of four we have been striving to afford a bigger place. Job losses for both of us as well as the declining real estate market meant that we were destined to stay trapped for years in that tiny condo box for years. At times it felt hopeless, but we didn't give up. We have finally arrived. As laborious and demanding as the journey was, I now feel … [Read more...]
Strategize. Succeed. SPARKLE
What is the SPARKLE EFFECT? Much like the butterfly that has the ability to alter the weather with a simple flap of its wings, we have the power to create change...within ourselves, in the children we raise, in the businesses we build, and in the world we live in. It all starts with a simple mindshift. The Sparkle Effect is a lot like the Butterfly Effect... only fancier. Last week I talked about a profound experience I'd gotten fully engrossed in, and how amidst a busy schedule I'd found myself reaching out to a complete stranger who was in the process of breaking out of a voilent and abusive marriage and rebuilding a new life for herself and her 3 children. Learning about … [Read more...]
Get Your Kids to Listen Without Repeating, Nagging or Yelling
How different would your day-to-day be if you never had to nag your kids again? What a happy 2012 it would be! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday celebration with your families! My greatest wish is that you gifted yourself with some much needed YOU time before the year ended. There is nothing better than to hit the ground running with intense enthusiasm for a bright new year after being completely refreshed from a relaxing holiday. Are you laughing yet? The reality is that the holidays can be pretty stressful for everyone - especially for parents, and even more so for those who have chosen to stay at home. Somehow we manage to become more run down from our vacations than from … [Read more...]
Coming out into your Truth
It's my birthday, and I am coming out. Nope, I am not gay. But like those who are, the best way to embrace your unique value with dignity and self love is to make the most important purchase of your life and own the rights to your personal truth. My friend, Rick Clemons, known as "The Coming Out Coach" taught me that, and he'll be joining me on our show. READ MORE ABOUT RICK HERE---> As you know, I am on a mission to bring home 1 million parents. I have been incredibly focused on this bold endeavor which has delightfully led me to connecting with compassionate and purposeful parents like you across the world. I have been hell-bent on helping you to claim your freedom so that you … [Read more...]
Success through Sensuality; Productivity through Passion
S-E-X is not a dirty word. ..and the only reason I am spelling it out like that is to avoid getting tagged as spam. (Sad, isn't it?) As you probably have already guessed, we are going to get into some juicy conversations this week. So often we tip toe around topics like pleasure and passion...and as a result we may be denying ourselves abundant wealth, health and quality of life. Yep, s-e-x is a necessary topic. The word has gotten a bad rap over the last several decades and yet it is one of the most natural ways to boost health and stamina, increase immunity, creativity and productivity as well as earn a better income. So if you want to put the sexy back into your business (as well as … [Read more...]
Self Discovery. Not Just for Kids Anymore
Turn your dreams into an actionable plan. Dreaming is the fun part, but creating a detailed and effective plan is a different story. It might seem to be less fun, but that is only because it is less familiar. A road less traveled usually leads to more abundant joyfulness. So the question is... Do you dare? Or do you delay? As women and mothers living in a culture that expects us to be all things to everyone- including ourselves- we often don't know where to start. Turn your passions into something that fuels and sustains you. This week we will be talking about how to get sizable results by broadcasting a quality message rather than a careless and impersonal blast that reaches a … [Read more...]
Transgender Children and Their Families
Champions come from the most unexpected places. I'd like to think of myself as a pretty open-minded and accepting individual. No judgements here. But in the realm of authenticity, I'll admit that when I was first introduced to Ryans Sallans, a trans-gender male, public speaker, educator and author of the book "Second Son," I found myself making quick assumptions about him - not that I am proud of myself. Even I, who touts non-discrimination wondered... what's wrong with this person that he couldn't find peace until he had transformed his entire gender identity? The more I read about Ryan, the more he became a hero to me. Gender identity is a complex and awkward topic, even for … [Read more...]