Ah, yes. Good times. When the kids are tucked in on a Saturday night, my husband and I like to have a "date night"-- which means something very different than it did ten years ago. Back then, we might have been burning the midnight oil at a concert, a party, or perhaps we'd be performing in a theatrical production in the city. Oh, yeah. We were crazy that way. CRAZY, I tell ya! We enjoy our date nights just as much now as we did then. Now that we are parents our typical Saturday night looks a bit different. We wait until the kiddos fall asleep, turn on some music, sit on the couch with a bottle of wine to reminisce about the days before we became parents... It was a time when we had... … [Read more...]
Balance PARENThood and BUSINESShood with PERSONhood
Play Big. Play Bold. Moms and Dads --- those of you who are running your own business --- do you realize that YOU are a unique breed? You are powerful, motivated, service-oriented -- and most of you <<probably>> launched FAST into business with nothing more than an idea ...and some faith. What happens when a business is run with ---oh... not much more that that? Working too many hours and getting nowhere fast. If you are a small business owner (and a MOM or DAD!)...you can't even PRETEND that you don't relate to the bold header above =) It's no fun being BUSY and BROKE... and ---really--- it doesn't make much for healthy living OR healthy parenting OR healthy business growth … [Read more...]
Are you Generous in Business?
For most of us Moms, working at home is an ECONOMIC decision. Choosing to come home and place priority on raising children is NOT (necessarily) about personal fulfillment for moms. It's about doing what is practical and what works best for our families. Yet --IRONICALLY-- what started out as a way to earn a supplement to the family budget has become the new bar to clear in small business. We've raised the standards for what is possible...NOT what is expected. If you feel like there is more pressure on you to succeed--- YOU ARE RIGHT. As a human race, our nature is to improve and progress... BUT JUST MAYBE... the point is not to produce more pressure and stress, but simply-- HAPPY … [Read more...]