Design your ideal life. If you are serious in creating a career that fits around your family's needs, you've got to get to know Leah Jantzen. Leah is a good friend, fellow radio host on Toginet radio, and also like me, she is a mom on a mission. Leah is a shining example of a woman who has never backed down, rarely lets fear get in her way to soar to new possibilities, and has proven that it IS possible to create an environment that mirrors the most important values in your life including your family and your career. The thing I love about Leah is that she doesn't hold back when telling it like it is and always finds the fun and the warmth in the hard choices we have to make as … [Read more...]
Mom Tribes with Leah Jantzen and Patty Lennon
Fill the emptiness. It is very common for mothers to feel...ISOLATED--Alone--Scared... and even DESPERATE for personal fulfillment. Many smart, savvy and educated women built tremendously successful careers in the corporate business world before venturing into motherhood....and then find that they are CRAVING the opportunity to create something NEW and LUCRATIVE from inside the home. New stresses...fresh solutions. I am going to be honest---very honest. I look around at my beautiful home, in the hills just north of Los Angeles, my happy and healthy marriage, my cheerful and well-cared for children... my large client list... (and subsequently)... my growing bank … [Read more...]